"Intelligence, quiet self-confidence and a spice for life. Sharp humour to keep me on my toes and someone whose not afraid to speak their mind. Writer over painter, dog over cat, fast over slow." I like quotes, I love "to paste" things I read on my books here, on my posts... Above, something I read and really saw myself in it. Unfortunatelly, I have no idea the name of the its author... If you know, let me know, leave a comment and I gladly will honour the brilliant mind that wrote down such a simple and direct thing about people´s personallity! By the way, I have realized that my personality varies from times to times, goes back to past and then, flies to some distant future... Eventually, it stays here, in this present time with me. When I am not working? I am at home, playing, swimming, dancing, singing, reading... Yes, reading. I just adore it! Also, writting... Does anybody knows a remedy for lazyness, when we just got a time of all e-things, besides getting a letter, a real one, from the post box, with the stamp, and we have to open the envelop, unfold the paper and observe the handwrittings on it... and finally read and feel botton in the heart how beloved we are, that someone took such a time and work to write and send us a real letter?? I love it!! I love scrapbooking as well.
Oi, não seria Writings não?? rsrs